Take Out / Curbside

Take Out / Curbside Image

We know that times are difficult for everyone right now, which is why we want to thank our guests for your continued support! In accordance with local regulations, HiFalutin Rapid Western Grill is currently open for dine-in and patio seating at limited capacity. We do understand that many of our guests are uncomfortable or unable to visit us in-person, which is why we are also offering take-out and curbside service.

You can enjoy your favorite HiFalutin Rapid Western Grill meal in the comfort of your own home thanks to our take-out and curbside service that makes it easy to order your food, pick it up, and take it home in almost no time. Whether you are craving your favorite Southwestern-inspired brunch, lunch, or dinner, you can easily order and pick it up without having to enter our Tucson restaurant or make contact with anybody if you prefer.

Our Services


Check out our menu and then call us at 520-297-0518 to place your order. We will confirm your order over the phone and give you a time estimate for how long it will take to prepare. You can then call us when you get to the parking lot and we will bring your food to you. If you prefer no-contact pick-up, please let us know when placing your order so that we can accommodate this request when you arrive.

Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times, Tucson!